Current Volunteer Needs

 Updated 4/15/21

To inquire about helping with any of these needs, please fill out and submit our Volunteer Info Form. Thank you!

LUNCH ASSEMBLY & ONE-SITE DELIVERY FOR HOMELESS | Any weekday 9:30am-Noon, beginning May 17 2021 | MercyCo is re-starting its longtime Daily Lunch Program, which provided over 80,000 free lunches to our friends experiencing homelessness from 2013-2020. Lunches are assembled at our Mercy Resource Center (within the Collings Teen Center, 1541 Merkley Ave.) and then distributed a few blocks away.

DONATIONS ORGANIZING | Times flexible | We have more clothes, furniture, dishes, etc. moving through our Mercy Resource Station than ever before. Hands are needed on a regular basis to fold, group, shelve, and prepare for quick distribution.

ADMINISTRATIVE HELP | Times flexible | We have a variety of administrative tasks that could benefit from some solid volunteer attention. Some of these include filing, tracking, inventory, logistical organizing, ordering, phone help, correspondence, etc.

SOCIAL MEDIA & COMMUNICATIONS | Times vary | We not only want to share what MercyCo and its partners are doing, but share it in a particular tone and voice.