DON BOSLEY, Executive DirectorOne of the Coalition’s co-founders, Don is the former longtime pastor of Lighthouse Covenant Church in West Sacramento. He and wife Melody also had a founding role in the 2004 inception of the Collings Teen Center - whe…

DON BOSLEY, Executive Director

One of the Coalition’s co-founders, Don is the former longtime pastor of Lighthouse Covenant Church in West Sacramento. He and wife Melody also had a founding role in the 2004 inception of the Collings Teen Center - where the Coalition currently houses its Mercy Resource Station. A 1981 graduate of River City High School in West Sac, Don spent 22 years as a sportswriter for The Sacramento Bee and is still well-regarded for his ability to inject sports metaphors into almost any situation. Don was named the Coalition’s first executive director in November 2020. He and Melody have six grown children and three particularly cute grandchildren.

NICOLE RING-COLLINS, Program Manager, Winter Warming CentersAfter volunteering with the Coalition since its 2010 inception, Nicole jumped into the role of Program Manager for the fledgling Winter Warming Centers in 2018 and immediately branded the e…

NICOLE RING-COLLINS, Program Manager, Winter Warming Centers

After volunteering with the Coalition since its 2010 inception, Nicole jumped into the role of Program Manager for the fledgling Winter Warming Centers in 2018 and immediately branded the effort with her inimitable energy, positivity and compassion. A favorite of our clients, volunteers and partners, Nicole has lived in West Sacramento since 1994. She has three children and three grandchildren, and she and husband Grover Collins keep insisting that they’ll be retiring real soon.

Lynn Phelps, Food CoordinatorA pillar of various feeding programs around West Sacramento for more than a decade, Lynn has been the ringmaster behind the Coalition’s Daily Lunch Program since 2013, presiding over more than 80,000 free lunches distrib…

Lynn Phelps, Food Coordinator

A pillar of various feeding programs around West Sacramento for more than a decade, Lynn has been the ringmaster behind the Coalition’s Daily Lunch Program since 2013, presiding over more than 80,000 free lunches distributed. After experiencing homelessness herself in her early adulthood, Lynn brings an evident compassion and joy to her work with both the Coalition and the compassion ministries at Center for Spiritual Awareness. She has lived in West Sacramento since 1997 has one grown son.